Monday, November 8, 2010

Jackson Kids out and about.

Michael Jackson's Kids, Prince, 13, and Paris,12, were seen out and about with thier Uncle Jermaine, and their cousins Jaafar, 14, and Jermajesty, 10. little brother Blanket was not pictured.

I'd like to say that these kids---all four of them--are gorgeous and will be breaking some serious hearts when their older! their all growing so beautifully and getting so tall. Michael would be so proud of his three kids and how beautifully their developing.

Prince Jackson out With friends

The King of Pop's eldest son, Prince,13, was pictured with few friends. Im not sure when but most likely yesterday. look at that smile! he looks pretty happy, probably had lots of fun. one more pic after jump

Katherine, and Joe Jackson along with their grandkids will be on Oprah today

Katherine Jackson will appear on the Oprah Winferey Show today to discuss her son,  the late King of Pop,Michael Jackson, for the first time in a real sit down interview. She is said to discuss Michael from his triumphs to his darkest hours, and about his death and how she found out. Joe Jackson will also be part of the interview as well as Michael's three children, Prince,13, Paris,12, and Blanket,8.

personally I dontlike oprah but I am interested in seeing this interview because I have such a big space in my heart for the entire Jackson family...yes even you Joe. three more pics of the kids after jump